Tummy Tuck

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Boston, MA

Tummy Tuck Boston, MA

At JL Plastic Surgery in Boston, we have helped numerous patients regain comfort in the appearance of their abdomen by providing them with a tummy tuck. The procedure can give you the tight, toned, and flat-looking abdomen you want.


Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a body contouring procedure performed to remove the excess skin and fat of a patient’s abdomen. It also commonly involves repairing the muscles along the abdominal wall that have been stretched and separated. This can be done either using a technique with drains or a drainless technique.

Your Tummy Tuck will be performed by Dr. Jeffrey Lee at his office in Boston, MA

For some, plastic surgery is about beauty. For me, it’s about strength. When you are comfortable in your skin, you are empowered.  It is very important to me that patients are comfortable every step of the way and completely trust me to take good care of them. My work is very personal and the experience and surgery are tailored to each patient. Beauty shouldn’t fit a mold.

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Ideal Candidate

A good candidate for an abdominoplasty would be anyone who has excess skin and fat of their abdomen. There are a variety of types of abdominoplasty and the best version will be recommended by plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Lee during the initial consultation.

Although excess skin and fat can be caused by several reasons, it is most commonly from:

  • Pregnancy
  • Weight loss
  • Weight gain

The skin is almost always permanently damaged and will never go back to what it used to be no matter how much the patient diets and exercises.

Although abdominoplasty can provide very dramatic results, it cannot give a patient someone else’s abdomen. It can only make improvements on their own. There is a limit as to how tight you can safely tighten someone’s abdomen and that can vary by patient. This means that everyone’s result will vary. In some cases, additional work on other areas of the body may be needed to attain satisfactory results. 

Surgery After Pregnancy

In some cases pregnancy can lead to the development of diastasis recti, a condition where the abdominal muscles along the abdominal wall become stretched and separated. This can cause a permanent pooch to form on the abdomen.

Diastasis recti can only be corrected through surgery. The abdominal muscles need to be surgically trimmed and tightened in order to give the stomach a flatter appearance.

Drainless Tummy Tuck

A drainless tummy tuck is one that does not involve using plastic drains after surgery. This eliminates the need to empty and maintain the drains while they are in place and eliminates the risk of a drain site infection. It also makes the recovery significantly more comfortable. Ask Dr. Lee if you are a good candidate for a drainless tummy tuck.


Abdominoplasty can take between 2-3 hours. Performing a drainless technique adds 30-45 minutes. Also, if a patient desires improvement of his/her flanks, Dr. Lee commonly recommends liposuction of the flanks to complement the abdominoplasty. This can add another 30-60 minutes to the surgery as they are commonly performed at the same time.

This cosmetic procedure involves raising the skin and fat of the abdomen off the underlying muscles. Dr. Lee then repairs or tightens the muscles and then removes the excess skin and fat. There is also a new opening created for the belly button.


Tummy Tuck Boston, MA

Recovery from abdominoplasty usually takes around 5-10 days after which most patients are able to return to work. You will be asked to wear an abdominal binder or compression garment for 4 weeks to help provide additional support and manage swelling. If you have drains, they will be removed within 1-2 weeks following your abdominoplasty. 


It will take some time to see the full results of your tummy tuck. Some results will be visible once a majority of the swelling goes down after 4 weeks. Results will continue to improve over the coming months. It can take six months or more to see the final results of your abdominoplasty. 


Tummy Tuck prices in Boston are estimates only. Dr. Lee will determine the price during your consultation and will be affected by the recommended surgical technique, patient anatomy, time, and implant type (If applicable). Click here for our pricing guide and additional information.


If you are unhappy with the appearance of your abdomen and are in need of professional care to correct the issue, contact JL Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation for your tummy tuck with Dr. Lee. He can provide you with the professional aesthetic care you are in need of.

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